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Monday, August 17, 2009
Causes of Infertility In alphabets Order - Letter C to D
A. Letter C
15. Caffeine
Moderate intake of caffeine does not causes either infertility or miscarry, but over dose of caffeine liking drinking a lot of coffee will increase the risk of infertility and miscarry because caffeine is stimulant causing over production of certain hormones which affect ovulation and hamper conception.
16. Cervical polyp
A cervical polyp is a benign polyp or tumour on the surface of the cervical canal, it is caused ny infection, inflammation or abnormal response to high levels of estrogen leading to abnormal bleeding, if not treated, it will gradually grow up and obstruct the cervical opening leading to fertility and miscarry.
17. Cervical problems
Cervical problems are caused by abnormal formation of cercix at birth or after medical sugery leading to interferes with sperm invasion through the cervix into the uterus resulting of thicken mucus or mucus hostile to sperm.
a) Congenital problem
The abnormal formation of cervix is caused by medication taking by the mother during pregnancy resulting in effecting the mucus production thereby, increasing the risk of infertility and miscarry.
b) Medical problem
Damage to cervix is caused medical surgery such as several abortions leading to abnormal function of cervix such as not open for sperm invasion or closed to allowing pregnancy to proceed to term resulting in miscarry and infertility.
c) Hormone problem
It is caused by not enough estrogen to stimulate the production of cervical mucus which are friendly to sperm invasion.
18. Cervical stenosis
Cervical stenosis is defined as a blockage or narrowing of the cervical canal, it is caused by birth defect or medical surgery thereby, limiting the chance of sperm invasion to the uterus causing infertility.
19. Cervicitis
Cervicitis is defined as a medical condition caused by inflammation or infection to the cervix leading to abnormal production of cervical mucus and increasing the risk of infertility.
20. Chemicals
Chemicals such as DDT, PCP, furans and men made estrogen reduce the quality and lower the sperm count in men leading to infertility. In women, such chemicals may cause child defect and miscarry because of it's toxic effect.
21. Chlamydia
Chlamydia also known as Chlamydia pneumoniae, it is a type of organism causes sexual transmitting disease leading to infertility. In men, it causes infection leading to urethritis and interferes with sperm ejaculation. In women, it may damage the Follopian tube leading to infertility.
22. Chocolate cyst
chocolate cyst also known as endometrioma, caused by endometrial adhesion and implants attached to the ovaries leading to abnormal function of avaries and interfering with production of mature eggs.
23. Cocaine
Cocaine is a powerful stimulant, it not only damages to the function of nervous system, but also decreases the production of testosterone in men leading to lowering sperm production and sexual desire.
24. Coffee
Coffee contains caffeine, moderate drinking coffee helps to improve the nervous system function including alertness, sharpness, but overdose of caffeine in coffee may causes abnormal production of certain hormones which effect ovulation resulting in infertility.
25. Congenital abnormality
Abnormalities present at birth may interfere with the fertility and carry the pregnancy to term.
a) In men
Epididymis, crytorchidism, etc.
b) In women
Abnormal formation of cervix, cervical canal, septate uterus, etc.
26. Crytorchidism
Crytorchilism also known as un desenced testicles, It use to happen to premature child. If it is not repaired by age six, it may causes permanent infertility because of no sperm in the semen.
27. Cushing's syndrome
Cushing's syndrome is a chronic illness caused by over production of cortisol hormone leading to lower sperm production in male and abnormal ovulation in women.
28. Cystic fibrosis
It is a genetic disease present at birth. Men with cystic fibroisis was born with absence of the vas deferens where it connect the testicle and epididymis to the ejaculating duct leading to infertility as resulting of impossible for sperm to pass through the penis.
B. Letter D
29. Depression
Depression increases the production of certain hormone in the nervous system and the glands leading to hormone imbalance and interfering the normal procedure of menstrual cycles in women and lowering sperm count in men, leading to infertility.
30. Diabetes
Diabetes is defined as inability to produce insulin by pancreas or inability of cells to use insulin efficiently. It may cause clot to blood vessel as resulting of high levels of glucose in the bloodstream leading to impotence and retrograde ejaculation in men. In women with insulin resistant, high levels of insulin in the bloodstream interferes with normal function of menstrual cycle as resulting hormone imbalance leading to infertility.
31. Dietthylstilbestrol (DES)
Dietthylstilbestrol is one the medicine used in the 50 -60 to prevent miscarriage. women intake of above medicine increases the risk of deformities to the child reproductive organs including abnormal cervix, uterus and blockage of the des deferens, etc.
32. Douching
Douching may be used to prevent infection caused bacteria in or around the women vagina, but it also toxic to the sperm and affect the cervical mucus, therefore women who try to get pregnant should avoid douching all together.
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