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Thursday, September 10, 2009
Causes of Infertility In alphabets Order - Letter L to O
57. Lubricant
Lubricant used during sexual intercourse to prevent irritation and pain may cause toxic effect on sperm. Using water soluble lubricant can prevent that to happen if fertility is a concern.
58. Luteal phase defect
Luteal phrase is defined as the second half of the menstrual cycle that occurs between ovulation and menstruation. At the beginning of this phrase, after releasing of the egg, the levels of progesterone increase leading to uterine inning thickening to support the implantation of embryo. Luteal phrase defect is caused by uterine inning does not develop properly, thereby does not response to high levels of progesterone stimulation preventing embryo implantation resulting in miscarriage.
59. Marijuana
Marijuana is high toxic and addictive, it is harmful to the reproductive system including low levels of testosterone, low sperm quality and sperm count, low movement of sperm.
60. Medications
Some medication used can be effected the reproductive organs
a) In women
Medication disrupts the women reproductive cycle including antibiotics ( interfering with production of cervical mucus), tranquilizers ( increasing the levels of prolactin), corisone ( causing irregular menstrual cycle), etc.
b) In men
Medication also cause lower sperm count, abnormal function of sperm cell production and interfers the normal production of FSH and LH (methotrexate, salazopyrine, etc.) Other such as corticosteroids, traquilizers, narcotics, etc. cause impotency and ejaculation problem.
61. Necrozoospermia
Necrozoospermia is defined as a condition of totally absent sperms movement. The cause of necrozoospermia still unknown, some suggest it may be caused by inheredity or obstructive pathology including hydrocoele, and varicocoele.
62. Oligospermia
Oligospermia is defined as a codition of low number of sperm in the ejaculate of the male than normal. It is caused by abnormal enlargement of the vein, sperm duct infection, abmormal function of pituitary gland in hormone secretion for production of sperm.
63. Opiates
Like other drugs, opiates interfere with the gonad-releasing hormone secretion, thus reducing the levels of testosterone in men leading to low sperm count, sperm movement and sperm production.
64. Orchitis
Orchitis is a disease caused by bacteria and virus which infect the men one or both testicles. It may lead to infertility if not treat early.
65. Ovarian dygenesis
It is caused by the second X chromosome defective at birth leading to sterility.
66. Ovarian failure
Ovarian failure is a condition defined as loss of ovarian function for female under age of 40 ( early menopause) caused by low levels of estrogen and high levels of FSH hormone.
67. Ovarian pregnancy
An pregnancy which occurs within the ovary. it is caused by matured age being fertilized inside of the ovaries leading to miscarriage.
68. Ovarian resistance
The term used to define the inability of ovaries to response to FSH stimulation, thereby no developing follicle. the exact cause is still unknown, some reseachers believe it is caused deficiency of FSH and LH receptors in the ovary, the presence of antibodies to gonadotropin receptors, or a postreceptor defect.
69. Pelvic inflammation disease (PID)
PID is defined as a condition of an acute infection in the pelvic caused by sexual transmitted diseases leading infertility if the scar forming in the Fallopian tube blocks the tube completely.
70. Peritoneal factors
Peritoneal factors include endometriosis, appendicitis, abdominal or pelvic operations, infectious or non-infectious pelvic surgery cause a scarred abdominal cavity as resulting of infection or inflammation leading to infertility.
71. Pesticides
Pesticides is one of the environment toxins which cause damage or interferes with reproductive processes including hormone imbalance (high levels of estrogen and low levels of progesterone, interrupt ovulation, lower sperm count, sperm movement, etc.) leading to conception difficulty.
72. Peyronie's disease
Peyronie's disease is also known as induratio penis plastica, it is a condition that nodules or lumps develop in the penis causing cause a restriction and prevent the penis from expanding in that area leading to inability in achieving or maintaining an erection.
73. Pituitary tumor
Pituitary tumor is defined as a condition of benign overgrowth of cells in the pituitary gland causing abnormal function in secreting hormone, leading to over production of growth , thyroid-stimulating, prolactin hormones, etc. disrupting the normal processes of the reproductive organs thereby, increasing the risk of infertility in both men and women.
74. Polycystic ovaries
A condition of many medium-sized follicles exist around the rim of the ovaries, it can be symptoms of PCOS.
75. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS is a condition associated with the irregular ovulation leading to excessive building up the uterine lining and increasing the risk of infertility. Women with PCOS are found to have high levels of testosterone and high circulation of levels of insulin.
76. Cornual pregnancy
A pregnancy in which the fertilized egg is implanted itself around where the fallopian tubes reach the uterus, It often end with miscarriage.
77. Cervical pregnancy
Cervical pregnancy is a condition in which the pregnancy implants in the lining of the endocervical canal, causing abnormal vagina bleeding, lower abdominal pain and cramps leading to miscarriage.
78. Pyospermia
Pyospermia is condition in which high levels of white blood cell count exist in the sperm. It is caused by infection of sexual transmitted disease some where in the body. Some time such infection may cause the immune system recognizes the sperm as an invader and kill it.
79. Rokitansky syndrome
An inherity of birth defect with a malformation of vagina and absence of uterus.
80. Sepate uterus
Sepate uterus is a condition in which the uterus is divided by septum into separate half. Since the uterus is divided, each half has little soace for the fetus to grow. It may not interferes with implatation of fertilized eggs but the pregnancy may end with premature birth of miscarriage.
81. Semen viscosity
Semen viscosityis a liquid flow, usually after ejaculation the semen of a normal man coagulates and then liquefies again in about 30 minutes. This allows the sperm free motility. If the semen delay for a hour, the sperm will be trapped due to infection or malfunction of prostate gland leading to infertility.
82. Sexual positions
People believe that the best position offers the best chance for a successful pregnancy is the missionary position, because it allows the sperm to be ejaculated closely to the cervix.
83. Sheehan's syndrome
Sheehan's syndrome is defined as a abnormal condition caused by deficiency of hormone secreted by the pituitary gland leading to low levels of HSH and LH increasing the risk of infertility. It is caused by severe bleeding during or immediately after childbirth.
84. Immature sperm
Sperm is manufactured in the testicles which are located in the scrotum. Immature sperm cells start to develop and grow in the seminiferous tubules then pass into epididymis, where the sperm are stored and continues to grow and gain ability to swim.
85. Sperm agglutination
Sperm agglutination is a condition in which sperms clumping together due to infection or antidy reaction thereby, reducing the sperm ability to fertilize egg and increasing the risk of infection.
86. Spermatocele
Spermatocele is a begnin cyst in the scrotum. it effects affecting as many as 3 in 10 American men and does not cause infertility or require treatment if it is small.
87. Stress
Stress interferes with hormone production ( increasing the secretion of adrenaline hormone that suppress the production of progesterone which is necessary for the soften of uterine lining for fertilized egg implantation) increasing the risk of absence of ovulation leading to infertility in women. In men, it causes low sperm count and reduce quality of sperm.
88. Teraospermia
Teratospermia or teratozoospermia is a condition in which the sperm is mature abnormally such as round headed spermatozoa affecting fertility in males by reducing sperm motility and preventing sperm from penetrating into the egg.
89. Testicular cancer
Testicular cancer is defined as abnormal cells growth become cancerous in the testicle. The cause is unknown but researchers believe men with poor quality of sperm production is considered as high risk to develop testicle cancer than other who do not.
90. Testicular enzyme defect
A congenital enzyme defect that prevents the testes from responding to hormonal stimulation thereby increasing the risk of sperm production and sperm quality leading to infertility.
91. Primary testicular failure
The genetic defect that causes malformation of testicles leading to abnormal sperm production resulting in testosterone deficiency and inability to egg fertilizing.
92. Secondary testicular failure
testicle damage caused by exposure to environment toxins, drugs and medication side effects orvaricocele leading to abnormal production of sperm and increasing the risk of infertility.
93. Testicle feminization
It is caused by enzymatic defect. Men with testicle feminization look like a women but have both X any Y chromosomes and fail to response to the male hormone testosterone.
94. Testicular injure
Testicle injure caused by what ever reason may increase the risk of immune system attacking the man's sperm due to inflammation and infection.
95. Testicular torsion
testicle torsion is defined as damaging the spermatic cord and interferes with blood vessel which transport blood to the testicles.
96. Tubal problem
The Fallopian is the tube that helps to retrieve egg from the ovaries and coax it toward the uterus and oncoming sperm. If any scar tissue restrict the movement of the egg or sperm, casuing infertility. Tubal problem is caused by endometrial adhesion and implants, sexual transmitted diseases and pelvic inflammation.
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