When you were young, you wanted to enjoy your life, pursuited a professional career, made a lots of money and you also wanted to prevent any unwanted pregnancy when you had sex, you used pill, condom etc. By the time you are at your early thirty, your period now gets irregularly, you finally met a nice gentlemen whom you want to spend your life with. Now you are married, you have a very sound financial plan, you and your husband finally decide to have some little kids of your own, running around the house. Unfortunately, after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse, you are still not be able to conceive. You starts getting nervous, depress, anxiety, etc. You and your husband went to see your family doctor then reproductive specialists and financially you are diagnosed with unexplained causes of fertility and many attempts of artificial insemination have also been failed. I know how frustrate you are. In fact, there are as many as 10% of couple in U.S. can not conceive and only 10% seek help from professional specialists. In this article, we will discuss what is fertility diet.
Pregnancy Miracle
Reverse Infertility And Get Pregnant Naturally
Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine
Although you are diagnosed with unexplained causes of infertility, it doesn't mean you can not get pregnant. In fact " All women in their child bearing age can conceive sometimes, before menopause" according to traditional Chinese medicine. You are only failed by conventional medicine's inability to find the causes of infertility and that is not your false. According again to traditional Chinese medicine any microscopic or tiny change may effect the entire ecosystem of the body, leading to hormone imbalance which can not be detected by conventional medicine technology. I believe, if you can restore you normal menstrual cycle with acupuncture, life style change and sometimes herbs and exercises, you would conceive very soon. As I know, by using artificial insemination together with TCM, the rate of conception increases substantially to 75%, instead of only 20% with ART alone.
Pregnancy Miracle
Reverse Infertility And Get Pregnant Naturally
Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine
I will explain more how traditional Chinese medicine helps women with unexplained causes of infertility with much more details in some other articles. Remember, after restoring your body back to health, your menstrual period will become regular again, you would be able to ovulation in the expected days and you should get pregnant with out any side effects and the cost is minimum. At the mean time, enjoy reading.
Always keep yourself positive and work together with your doctor, you may get pregnant sooner than you think:
For How To Find The Best Fertility Self Help Program Click Here
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