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Pelvic inflammation disease (PID) is defined as condition caused by inflammation or infection of the female uterus, fallopian tubes, and/or ovaries as a result of scars and adhesion in the pelvic which in turn may prevent the implantation of egg during natural pregnancy process. It affects over 1 million women in U.S. every month and most of them are in their teen and twenties and over 100,000 women become infertile in the US alone each year.
Recommended Reading
Meals That Heal Inflammation
A Nutrition Based Practical Guide To
Relieving Inflammation Rooted Disorders
Pregnancy Miracle (TCM)
Unique Guide To Reverse InfertilityGet Pregnant
Naturally Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine
II. Types of pelvic inflammation diseases (PID)
III. Symptoms of (PID)
1. Fever
Due to infection or inflammation of the pelvic region.
2. Cervical motion tenderness
Caused by swelling of cervical inflammation area as a immune system reaction.
3. Lower abdominal pain
It is caused by sexual transmitted diseases Chlamydia pneumoniae that infect the pelvic tissues and immune responds.
4. Abnormal discharge
Due to immune system in fighting the bacteria to protect the pelvic tissues.
5. Painful intercourse
As a result of an infected tissue has been damaged.
6. Irregular menstrual bleeding
Caused by bleeding of the infected area.
III. Causes of PID
1. Sexual transmitted diseases
Chlamydia is also known as Chlamydia pneumoniae, it is a type of organism causes sexual transmitting disease leading to infertility. In women, it may damage the Fallopian tube leading to infertility. Sexual transmitted disease happens most often to sexual active women with several partners and without understanding much of the partner's health condition. The diseases can also transmit through sexual intercourse without the use of a barrier device such as condom. Chlamydia can live in the body for months and years without causing any symptoms, but when it strikes the symptoms include
a) Pain or burning when urinating
b) Abnormal vaginal discharge
c) Bleeding between periods
d) Pain during sexual intercourse as we mentioned above.
2. Virus
It may be caused human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
3. Fungi
It is caused by infection, low levels of estrogen or allergy leading to abnormal vagina discharge. In case of frequent vaginitis, it is caused by women who is taking birth control pills, or taking antibiotics, as antibiotics kill bacteria leading to uncontrolled yeast growth). Fungi is also can be contracted through sexual intercourse.
4. Parasitic
PID is caused by a tiny parasite, known as trichomonas vaginalis.
5. Bacterial infections
Bacteria (germs) get into a woman’s internal reproductive organs such as douching or when the cervix is opened due to menstruation or ovulation for sperm invasion.
6. Surgery
Surgeries such as C section, abortion, childbirth or insertion of an IUD may cause bacteria getting into the pelvic region, leading to infection resulting in scars in the region.
7. Cervicitis
Cervicitis is defined as a medical condition caused by inflammation or infection to the cervix leading to abnormal production of cervical mucus and increasing the risk of infertility
IV. Effects of PID
1. Chronic pelvic pain
Pelvic inflammatory disease often causes pelvic pain, it can lead to chronic pelvic pain if left untreated for too long as a result of scar building up in the pelvic region.
2. Infertility
If the scar covers a large portion of the uterus that disrupts the chance of egg to implant in the uterus or blocks the Fallopian tube, the fertilization can not travel down to the uterus for implantation.
3. Ectopic pregnancy
As a result of the end of Follopian tube that connect to the ovaries become partially or completely blocked due to forming of scars after infection.
V. Treatment of PID in conventional medicine perspective
PID have to be cured early by antibiotics, otherwise it may cause forming of large scars in the pelvic region, leading to blockage at the end of Fallopian tube and affect the uterus in egg implantation thus affecting fertility.
VI. Summary
1. PID can be prevented if a woman
a) Use condom for an causal sex partner
b) Abstain from sexual intercourse
c) Avoid douching
2. Early treatment
An active sexual life women must check with her doctor, if some of above symptoms is found.
Recommended Reading
Meals That Heal Inflammation
A Nutrition Based Practical Guide To
Relieving Inflammation Rooted Disorders
Pregnancy Miracle (TCM)
Unique Guide To Reverse InfertilityGet Pregnant
Naturally Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine
B. In Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective
I. Definition
Pelvic inflammation disease (PID) is defined as condition caused by inflammation or infection of the female uterus, fallopian tubes, and/or ovaries as a result of scars and adhesion in the pelvic which in turn may prevent the implantation of egg during natural pregnancy process. It affects over 1 million women in U.S. every month and most of them are in their teen and twenties and over 100,000 women become infertile in the US alone each year.
In traditional Chinese medicine (PID) is classified as the infections of a woman reproductive system. While convention medicine focus in using antibiotics to destroy the invasion of bacteria, virus, fungi, etc, in the infection or inflammation area, traditional Chinese medicine treats the problem as some tiny changes in the women ecosystem that cause (PID) such as itching in the genital area, abnormal vaginal discharge and power abdominal cramps and pain.
Recommended Reading
Meals That Heal Inflammation
A Nutrition Based Practical Guide To
Relieving Inflammation Rooted Disorders
Pregnancy Miracle (TCM)
Unique Guide To Reverse InfertilityGet Pregnant
Naturally Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine
II. Causes and Diagnosis of (PID) in the traditional Chinese perspective
A. Causes
Traditional Chinese medicine view (PID) as a condition of genital itching and leukorrhea (it is a medical term that denotes a thick, whitish vaginal discharge) caused by dysfunction of Liver, Kidney and Spleen. Traditional Chinese medicine believes pelvic inflammation disease is caused by damp heat moving downward and accumulated in the pelvic region as a result of liver stagnation or/and Spleen yin deficiency or and kidney deficiency, leading to blood and qi deficiency or/ and stagnation, which in turn causes genital itching and leukorrhea. Therefore treating (PID) is focused in diagnosis of vagina discharge.
B. Diagnosis and vagina discharges
1. Spleen deficiency with damp
a) Diagnosis
Normal vagina discharge is corlorless, odourless, sticky and vagina dryness, due to dampness accumulation as a result of Spleen yin deficiency, that in turns distorts the the kidney function in of fluid distribution, leading to dampness accumulation.
b) Vagina discharge
White, Watery and no smelly discharge with dull pale complexion
Normal vagina discharge is corlorless, odourless, sticky and vagina dryness, due to dampness accumulation as a result of Spleen yin deficiency, that in turns distorts the the kidney function in of fluid distribution, leading to dampness accumulation. Where there are high humidity accumulated, it generates heat.
2. Spleen deficiency with damp heat
a) Diagnosis
Where there are dampness accumulated, it generates heat as a result of high humidity accumulated in the pelvic area.
b) Vagina discharge
Discharge with discolor with foulsmelling
3. Kidney yang deficiency
a) Diagnosis
Spleen yang deficiency causes by the inability of kidney to regulating the fluid distribution, that can not control the fluid in the downward movement into the pelvic region.
b) Vagina discharge
Excessive white or pale yellow, sticky and no smelly vagina discharge
4. Kidney and liver yin deficiency
a) Diagnosis
Kidney and liver yin deficiency causes excessive yang in the liver, leading to not enough fluid to moister the liver, affecting the normal function of liver in blood formation.
b) Vagina discharge
A thick, whitish vaginal discharge, stiff and sharp back pain and vaginal dryness.
5. Damp heat accumulated in kidney channels
a) Diagnosis
If the qi run through kidney channels is blocked due to kidney qi deficiency, it causes fluid retention in the channels, leading to excessive accumulation of dampness and heat arising that affects the reproductive organs, including the pelvic region.
b) Vagina discharge
Vagina discharge is red and white
III. Chinese herbal Treatments
A. Spleen deficiency with damp
(Strengthen Spleen yang, eliminate damp)
1. Bai zhu
Bai zhu is also known as white atractylodes rhizome, It is warm in nature and used to treat the spleen deficiency yang due to fluid accumulation.
2. Shan yao
Shan yao is also known as Chinese yam, it is a neutral in nature and used to tonify Spleen yin and qi and eliminate damp.
3. Ren sheng
Ren sheng is also known as radix ginseng. It is one of most popular herbs and used over thousand of year in qi tonification and normal bleeding in the vagina due to infection and inflammation..
4. Cang zhu
Cang zhu is also known as rhizoma atractylodis, it has been used in TCM in treating of yeast infection and dries dampness and strengthening the stomach in food digestion.
5. Che qian zi
Che qian zi is also known as plantago seeds, it has a drain damp function through urination.
B. Spleen deficiency with damp heat
Treatment Strengthen Spleen yang, eliminate damp, clear heat
1. Shan yao
(See above)
2. Huang bai
Huang bai is also known as amur cork tree bark, it is bitter in nature and has been used to clear heat and dry dampness.
3. Long dan cao
Long dan cao is also known as bitter root or bitterwort, it is bitter and cold in nature and has been used in TCM in clearing damp heat and dry vagina discharge caused by painful-swollen genitals.
4. Xiang fu
Xiang fu is also known as nut grass rhizome and has been used to regulate and strengthen the qi movement and treat abnormal menstruation due to liver's abnormal function.
C. Kidney yang deficiency
(Strengthen kidney yin)
1. Zhi fu zi
Zhi fu zi is also known as radix aconiti lateralis preparata, it has been used to reinforce yang, and to dispel wind, cold and damp caused kidney yang deficiency.
2. Du zhong
Du zhong is also known as ecommia barkwarm and has been used to promote and smooth the flow of qi and blood circulation by strengthening the kidney yang.
3. Shu di huang nourish kidney
Shu di huang is also known as Chinese fox glove,it is warm in nature and used to nourish blood and tonify kidney yang and essence.
4. Shan yao
(See Above)
5. Hai piao xiao astringe discharge
Hai piao xiao is cuttlefish bone, warm in nature and has been used in TCM in stopping uterine bleeding with vaginal discharge and enhancing the kidney yang.
D. Kidney and liver yin deficiency
(Strengthen kidney and liver yang, tonify yang blood and clear heat)
1. Shu di huang
(See above)
2. Shan yao
(see above)
3. Zhi mu
Zhi mu is also known as anemarrhena rhizomec and has been used to lear empty fire from kidney caused by high humidity and liver fire.
4. Fu ling drain fire through urination
Fu ling is also known as Indian bread or matsuhodo. The herb has been used to promotes urinary secretion by draining fire through urination.
5. Ze xie is also known as water plantain
(Same function as fu ling)
E. Damp heat accumulated in liver channels
(Drain liver heat, clear damp, tonify yin blood)
1. Long dan cao :
(See above)
2. Chai hu
Chai hu is also known as Chinese thoroughwax or hare ear root, it is cool in nature and has been used to treat liver qi stagnation, clear liver heat.
3. Mu tong
Mu tong is also known as akebia caulis, it has been used to drain fire and dampness through urination.
4. Dang qui
Dang qui is also known as Chinese angelica root. It has been used over thousand year in China in treating women reproductive disorder by nourishing blood yin.
5. Qian shi
Qian shi is also known as euryale seed,and used to treat damp heat, eliminate thick, whitish vaginal discharge.
IV. Treatment with Acupuncture
Here is only some acupuncture points have been used to treat
A. Spleen deficiency with damp
SP9 (yin ling), Sp6 (san yin jiao), CV12(zhong wan), ST8 (tou wei ) and SP3 (tai bai))
B. Spleen deficiency with damp heat
SP9 (yin ling), SP6(san yin jiao), UB20(pi shu), LI11 (qu chi) and GB34 (yang ling quan)
C. Kidney yang deficiency
UB23 (shen shu), GV4 (ming men), CV4 (guan yuan), CV6 (qi hai), KD3(tai xi), KD7 (fu liu) and UB52 (zhi shi)
D. Kidney and liver yin deficiency
PC8 (lao gong) , SP2 (da du), PC7 (da ling), SP3 (tai bai), GB38 (yang fu), LV2 (xing jian), LV3 (tai chong), LV4 (zhong feng), SP6 (san yin jiao) and SP10 (xue hai)
E. Damp heat accumulated in liver channels
LV14 (qi men), GB24 (ri yue), UB18 (gan shu), UB19 (dan shu), CV12 (zhong wan), SP3 (tai bai), SP6 (san yin jiao), SP9 (yin ling quan), LV2 (xing jian), LI11 (qu chi)
V. Acupuncture channels in short letter forms
LV: Liver channel
GB: Gallbladder channel
UB: Bladder channel
CV: Conception vessel channel
SP: Spleen channels
LI: Large intestine channel
KD: kidney channel
GV: Governing vessel channel
TH: Triple heater channel
PC: Pericardium channel
ST: Stomach channel
recommended reading
Meals That Heal Inflammation
A Nutrition Based Practical Guide To
Relieving Inflammation Rooted Disorders
Pregnancy Miracle (TCM)
Unique Guide To Reverse InfertilityGet Pregnant
Naturally Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine
For the best fertility self help program review click here
I hope this information will help you understanding more of the causes of infertility in women and men, if you need more information, please visit
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