The unexplained cause of infertility is defined as a condition of a healthy couple who have found no reproductive structure or medical problems, but for whatever reason, the female partner is unable to get pregnant, and modern technologies and doctors in conventional medicine fail to find the causes of infertility.
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According to conventional medicine, a couple is diagnosed with explained causes of infertility can have children by going through the process of artificial insemination or other options such as adoption, or surrogation. Some women may seek help from traditional medicine, because of cost effectiveness or believing that traditional medicine can offer a more natural birth. In fact, I have had a chance to talk to some traditional Chinese medicine herbalists and was told the success rate for women who come to their clinic with unexplained causes of infertility is over 50%. Adding to other traditional medicine the rate is even higher.
It is not for anybody's benefit by spending much of this article in arguing which traditional medicine is the best, it is up to the couple to decide. In this article, we will discuss how you can beat the odds (if you are diagnosed with explained causes of infertility) to get pregnant.
I. Natural selection
Conventional medicine seldom think overuse of energy for whatever reason, may cause the blood transportation away from the reproductive organs, leading to reproductive system being shut off or only working in minimum state, resulting in irregular menstrual cycle or no menstruation at all.
There was one time, I received an e-mail from a woman who only ate organic natural foods including a lot of raw vegetable, fruit, milk, whole grain and only a small portion of chicken meat every day. Her daily diet is considered as very healthy, but unfortunately, she cannot get pregnant and was diagnosed with an unexplained cause of infertility. Since she and her husband do not have enough money to go for artificial insemination, They were suggested to see their local traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Yes within six months, she was pregnant and gave birth to a healthy baby girl.
The answer
The above woman has engaged in playing tennis 2 hours everyday. She has an athletic body and well built muscles. She is healthy but with an irregular menstrual cycle. She was asked to stop playing tennis and replaced that with moderate exercise. No vitamins, herbs or other fertility assisting supplements were given by her herbalist.
She was diagnosed with infertility caused by the natural section of the reproductive organ as most of her energy was drained as a result of playing tennis. Remember, not all women playing tennis are infertile. Some women may easily get pregnant, even if they engage in some excessive exercise and sport, because each women is unique and react to the same circumstance differently.
If you are diagnosed with an unexplained cause of infertility and you look healthy but involved in some sorts of energy draining sport, exercise or occupation, please try to slow them down a bit, it may be the cause.
II. Diets
A healthy couple who have eaten a healthy diet with occasional dine-outs and not engaging in any excessive exercise after getting married were diagnosed with an unexplained cause of infertility.
The female partner has irregular menstruation and feels dizziness and fatigue.
The male is OK.
1. Since she has an irregular menstruation and eating a lot of raw foods to maximize the intake of vitamins and mineral, her daily nutrient intake is considered OK. Unfortunately, the raw and cold foods may cause kidney yang deficiency, leading to irregular menstrual period, and dizziness and fatigue because it slows down the blood flow in the body including the reproductive organs.
2. Adding to her diet with some cool and hot foods may avert the problem and induce fertility.
Warm foods include cherries, peaches, leeks, and raspberry.
Hot foods include green onions, ginger, garlic, and pepper.
III. Weight
Women who are diagnosed with an unexplained cause of infertility and who are either under or overweight may consider to gain or lose some weight so their weight can fall within the normal range of 5- 10% excess the BMI index accordingly. Traditional Chinese medicine believe the best weight for a woman to conceive, is within the normal BMI range or 5 - to 10 over the BMI normal weight, because pregnancy requires energy and the muscle readiness to support the growing fetus. It doesn't mean all pregnant women are in that weight range.
1. Gene influence
Some people may eat a lot and never gain weight while some people only overeat a little and experience some weight gain. Since genes play an important role in determining the human weight, but with the help from careful selection of diets, it can be controlled. Remember, being heavily overweight may impede the chance of fertility because as weight climbs, so do the levels of insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 while sex binding globulin declines leading over abundance of free testosterone and their growth hormones in the ovaries that cause ovulation dysfunction, resulting in fertility.
2. Women with BMI index less than 20, may experience the primitive brain reaction in protecting the body from direct energy or blood to the reproductive organs, because of nutrients deficiency or the brain believes that the body of such women are not ready to conceive. This leads to delay of ovulation as a result of irregular menstrual period and infertility.
Therefore, if you are diagnosed with an unexplained cause of fertility and you are either under or overweight, then gaining or losing some weight accordingly may improve the chances of fertility, of course without causing nutrients deficiency.
IV. Aging
As we mentioned, before the chance of women getting pregnant decreases with age.
Here are some important statistics
For females:
a) In their late 20's and early 30's, 84% are fertile and only 16% are infertile.
b) In their mid 30's - 39 , 75 % are fertile and only 25% are infertile.
c) By age 40, 50% are fertile and 50% are infertile.
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For males:
According to the study of European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, the rate of miscarriage also increases substantially when the father was over the age of 35:
1. Nearly 17 percent if the father was over 34 years old.
2. Around 20 percent if the father was between the ages of 35 and 39.
3. Over 32 percent if the father was older than 44.
As we age our reproductive organs do not function as they should because of effects of low levels of growth hormones being produced by our glands, leading to:
a) Ovarian change
Women who were born with a certain amount of eggs in the ovaries, as a woman age, it also effects the numbers of eggs in the ovaries. By their late 30's only poor quality eggs remain and that not only decreases the chance to conceive, but increases the risk of miscarriage and birth defects.
b) Medical problems increase with age.
c) It may be caused by intake of some kinds of contraceptive pills. As we know some women may need 6 months for their body to adjust and some may never see their period coming back again.
d) For some reason, delayed child bearing has been found to be associated with the risk of maternal problems even with no medical problems.
It is wise for women who want to have children to get pregnant between their late 20's to early 30's.
Since there are problems of fertility as women age, if you are in that group I believe some kidney and reproductive herbs such as false unicorn root and wild yam can helps, please talk to your local herbalist for more information.
V. Traditional Chinese medicine
As we mentioned above, traditional Chinese medicine has been proven record in treating unexplained causes of infertility with a success rate of over 50%. Many men and women who come to TCM with unexplained causes of infertility have been diagnosed with either kidney yin yang imbalance (either yin or yang deficiency) qi and blood stagnation in the reproductive organs ( liver, kidney, spleen). Since each man and woman are unique, there is no one treatment that works for everyone. You will be given certain types of treatment according what have been observed and diagnosis. Please consult with your local Chinese partitioner for more information.
VI. Psychological effects
It is understandable that a couple who were diagnosed with an unexplained cause of infertility are under constant stress. This can be treated by any holistic medicine. You may be offered different programs such as yoga, meditation, or acupuncture depending on what types of traditional medicine practitioner whom you see.
The Getting Pregnant Plan
I Created A Plan That Help Fertility
And Got Pregnant! You Can Too
Always keep yourself positive and work together with your doctor, you may get pregnant sooner than you think:
For How To Find The Best Fertility Self Help Program Click Here
If you want to know more about fertility and fertility, please visit my website at:
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